Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

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We strive to help you make smarter exam preparation decisions. We adhere to an editorial integrity, so this article does not contain references to affiliate products or services.
It is important to our profession as engineers and geoscientists to maintain our value to society in the form of competence, trust and protection. In addition, society also allows us to self regulate our profession, which is a highly regarded freedom. Â
In return, and as professionals we must maintain high levels of competence by continually improving skills and knowledge, even soft skills This is achieved through a continuing professional develop program professional development hours.
Ultimately you as a professional are solely responsible for improving your competence. However, your Association has a responsibility to support your efforts.
Engineers Canada does not mandate the type of CPD program for the Associations. Some Associations are indeed mandatory and some are voluntary programs. It is left to the legislation of each province or territory, as Engineers Canada simply represents the Associations.
Engineers Canada does, however, provide the framework for a CPD program and the methods should include:
Below I will outline some of the larger CPD programs amongst Canada.
Most Associations have their members report their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours and communicate their professional status (practicing or non-practicing) upon renewal of their licenses each year. This ensures the licensed members are keeping up with technology and are practicing as professionals by offering the opportunity to take a “non practicing” status.
Most members are not aware however, that each year your association randomly audits the reported information of a small sample population of members. Remember that big brother is watching!
If you are found not to be reporting or lying in the reporting of CPD hours, there are no clear answers. However, feel rest assured that you will go through your Association's Review Process and this may call into question your professionalism, resulting in discipline as severe as being struck from the register. Â Â
Keep it honest out there people. Â CPD is a nice way of forcing your company to pay for some training as in most provinces and territories it is a requirement for you to practice professionally.
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