We strive to help you make smarter exam preparation decisions. We adhere to an editorial integrity, so this article does not contain references to affiliate products or services.
We strive to help you make smarter exam preparation decisions. We adhere to an editorial integrity, so this article does not contain references to affiliate products or services.
Here is a collection of study materials and prep courses so you can pass the FE Exam without spending all your money. Some of the courses here are free, and some are from commercial providers, universities and engineering societies.
Also be sure to check out other FE resources: The Best Calculator for the FE Exam, the collection of FE Practice Exams, and all things related to the FE Exam.
🔑 Key Takeaways
• There are many sources of FE Exam study materials, some are free, some are from commercial providers.
• Many providers disappear every year as it is difficult to create good material and to keep up with NCEES advances.
• Many preparation materials no longer relevant with some published before 2017, missing the 2017 AIT update, missing the 2020 syllabus update, and the 2021 FE Exam Reference Handbook updates.
• The FE Exam is a skill-based exam that requires one to build skills sets developed through practice.
It's important to realize that the FE exam used to be split into a common-to-all-disciplines morning exam and a discipline specific afternoon exam. Starting in early 2014, there are only discipline specific exams so you'll see some resources that have not updated. Also you'll see some resources that host a generic review class to cover all disciplines.
This isn't a big deal if you aren't paying much for the course or if the resource is free. Yet, keep in mind you'll have to fill in some gaps on your own. But if you decide to spend big money for a review course, ensure it is discipline specific. As always the power is in practicing exam questions and not just theory, so be sure your choice works through plenty of NCEES style problems.
NOTE: be sure to know what grade you need to pass: FE Exam Passing Score, and keep things on the lighter side: Engineering Memes & Jokes.
Free FE Exam Prep Resources
1. Coursera [Free Version] [FE Civil & FE Mech]
This Coursera and Georgia Tech course is getting a lot of attention currently. It's rated very well and the level of instruction is good.
- Free but there is a $50 version that grants access to assignments and quizzes
- Self paced video courses but only offered on specific dates
- FE Civil and FE Mechanical
2. Marshall University [Free] [FE Civil]
This YouTube channel provides 12 videos from a group of instructors at Marshall
- Self paced video courses from 2015/2016
- Approximately 16 hours of instruction
- FE Civil only
3. University of Colorado-Boulder [Free] [FE Chemical]
This is a very well organized course with a missive collection of videos and problems
- Self paced video courses from 2014
- FE Chemical only
4. Texas A&M [Free]
This review course was prepared for the US Military when there was an AM general exam for all disciplines and a discipline specific exam in the PM. Things have changed but this is still a great resource.
- The original 45 videos must be downloaded but Joseph de la Fuente uploaded them to YouTube.
- Self-paced classes
- FE Civil focused but could be considered general to all disciplines
5. Engineer In Training Exam [Free]
EITE is a free YouTube channel with plenty of examples:
- Self-paced resource of 85 videos, complete with calculator tutorials
- Not discipline specific
- The EITE team has been around since ~2011.
6. Daily FE Exam [Free]
Another free YouTube collection of videos from Daily FE Exam:
- Self-paced resource of 34 videos
- One to two years old.
- Not discipline specific
Commercial Preparation Resources
7. School of PE [Paid]
The School of PE has provided review classes since 2004 and is a well respected provider out of Ohio:
- $1,000 early bird, $1,300 regular price review classes
- Live web classes or self-paced classes
- All 7 disciplines are taught
8. PPI 2 Pass [Paid]
Professional Publications Inc. has been around since 1975 and also comes with great reviews and based in California:
- $1,260 - $2,200 depending on the discipline
- Live web classes or self-paced classes
- All 7 disciplines
9. Coursera [Paid Version]
This Coursera and Georgia Tech course is getting a lot of attention and also has a paid version. It's rated very well and the level of instruction is good.
- The $50 version grants access to assignments and quizzes, but the instruction is available for free
- Self paced video courses but only offered on specific dates
- FE Civil and FE Mechanical
10. TestMasters [Paid]
Testmasters is one of the few commercial providers holding in-person review classes in many locations in the US:
- $550 student, $1,000 early bird, $1,100 regular.
- Live in person classes or live/self-paced hybrid or self-paced classes.
- All 7 disciplines are taught.
11. Prepineer [Paid]
Prepineer is a review software founded by the EITE team:
- $250 per month.
- Self-paced classes
- Generalized to all disciplines
- There are very few reviews from this software but these gents are hosting a lot of training webinars and Facebook videos.
12. Study for FE [Paid]
Wasim Asghar has a review class for FE Electrical & Computer at a very reasonable price:
- $99 per month
- Self-paced classes and a review exam
- As mentioned FE Elec & Comp discipline only
13. Capstone Learning [Paid]
Capstone Learning Associates has a review course for all disciplines but FE Industrial and FE Environmental:
- $700
- Self-paced classes
- I know very little about this team and there isn't much for reviews online.
14. Brightonwood [Discontinued]
Brightonwood, formerly Kaplan, had review classes for all disciplines but FE Chemical. The brand is not defunct as they for a focus on PPi2Pass.
15. Cognistar [Discontinued]
This team had review courses for a few disciplines like FE Civil and FE Other Disciplines, but the website is no longer active.
16. EIT Experts [Discontinued]
EIT Experts used to host review classes for a few of the disciplines. They are no longer active.
17. Excel Test Prep
Excel Test Prep holds class for a few disciplines as well, but one of the few provider hosting in-person classes:
- $1,000 live web classes
- $1,000 self-paced classes
- FE Civil, FE Mechanical and FE Other Disciplines only.
18. Engineering Education & Training
EET holds live web or self-paced classes:
- $990 live or self-paced
- FE Civil only
University & Society Preparation Resources
19. University of Memphis
The U of M provides a FE exam review class for students:
- Paid for students
- In-person classes
- FE Civil only
20. Colorado School of Mines
The Colorado School of Mines offers a class that is free for their students:
- Free for students and $250 for others
- In-person classes on Monday evenings
- Not discipline specific
21. NC State University
NCU offer a very reasonably priced review course:
- $50 for students
- $200 for others
- Self-paced classes
- Not discipline specific
22. Minnesota SPE [Discontinued]
MNSPE had review classes for some disciplines, that are no longer offered.
23. Cal State University
Cal State U offers a review class for a few disciplines:
- $275 for students
- $375 for others
- In-person classes
- FE Mechanical, FE Electrical, FE Civil
24. IISE - Oregon Chapter
IISE offers a FE review course offered at Oregon State U offers a class for FE Industrial:
- $100 for students
- $125 for others
- FE Industrial only
25. Penn State University
Penn State U offers a FE review course for students and alumni:
- $650 students and alumni
- In-person classes
- Not discipline specific
26. Kansas State University
Kansas State U offers a class for students:
- Free for students only (as far as we can tell)
- Self-paced classes
- Not discipline specific
27. Carroll College
Carroll College, out of Montana, offers a class for its students:
- Free for students
- Live classes
- FE Civil only.
28. Illinois Institute
The II offer FE review classes for most disciplines, they are pricey:
- $1,000
- Live web classes or self-paced classes
- FE Chemical, FE Civil, FE Electrical and Computer, FE Mechanical, FE Other Disciplines
29. University of Tulsa
U of T offer in-person FE review classes:
- $745 early bird, $795 regular
- In-person classes
- Not discipline specific
30. University of Utah
U of Utah offers a review class that is free for students:
- Free
- In-person classes
- Not discipline specific
31. University of San Diego
The University of San Diego offers in-person FE review classes:
- $795 for in-person class
- FE Other Discipline only
32. New Mexico State University
The New Mexico State University offers a very reasonably priced review class:
- $30
- In-person classes
- FE Civil only
33. University of Colorado
The U of Colorado offers a free course for all:
- Free
- FE Chemical only
- A very well organized set of videos.
34. University of Nevada
Nevada U offers a FE review class for its students called CEE499:
- Paid for students (unknown price)
- In-person classes
- FE Civil only
35. College of New Jersey [Discontinued]
This University had a review class for most disciplines, that is no longer offered.
36. Florida International University
Florida U offers web classes for the FE:
- $900
- Live web classes
- Not discipline specific
37. University of Washington
U of Washington provides FE review classes on Monday and Wednesday evenings during the term:
- $950
- In-person classes
- Not discipline specific
38. American Society of Civil Engineers
ASCE provides a reasonably priced FE review course:
- $325 for members
- $395 for non members
- Self-paced classes
- FE Civil only
39. PPE Headquarters
The FE exam is all about time, and you'll only have a few minutes per question (part of the testing theory is to give you more questions than you can reasonably answer). So don't feel bad if you don't get to them all.
But realize your biggest time saver is your NCEES approved calculator, and you better know it inside and out. So we crafted this collection of FE Exam Calculator Resources and tutorials for you.
FE Exam: What It Is, Who Can Write It, How To Pass
What is the FE exam? A computer-based exam lasting 5 hours and 20 minutes, 110 multiple choice questions, covering your degree.