FREE FE Civil Practice Exam 2025
Best-in-class practice problems, complete with solutions.
Accurate practice exams, absolutely free to download and distribute.
Industry-leading solutions, verified by experts, to boost your learning.
All questions are based on actual exam materials.

Updated materials
The FE exam continually changes so be aware of out of date preparation materials. The recent NCEES FE exam updates include updates in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2017, 2014, and 2011.
Most of the products listed on Amazon are published berofe 2017, missing 2017 AIT, the 2020 syllabus, and the 2023 handbook updates
FE practice exam details
This exam package contains questions to prepare you for the NCEES FE Civil Exam. These questions are unique to the NCEES Computer Based Training (CBT) exam and solvable in two to three minutes. The questions are complete with answers and through solutions.
All questions are solvable using the NCEES FE Reference Handbook to ensure you are familiar with the handbook. This is critical to completing the exam in time. Both systems of units (US and SI) are used throughout the practice exam as well.
Course syllabus
The exam follows the NCEES FE Civil Syllabus:
What is the FE Exam?
The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam measures your competency to enter the profession. The exam is also the first of two steps to becoming a licensed professional engineer in the United States.
It’s a computer-based exam given any time
of the year at most Pearson VUE test centres.
It’s a 5 hour and 20 minute exam with 110 multiple choice questions covering most topics of your engineering degree. In the exam, you’re allowed to use and approved calculator and the FE Reference Handbook, which is available free (NCEES / MyNCEES).
The exam fees for the Fundamentals
of Engineering exam are $175.
Many state boards apply an additional application fee as part of the licensing process once you pass the exam. Most states don’t require those with a EAC-ABET BS degree to submit an application or pay fees before scheduling an exam. The exceptions are the boards of Guam, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Puerto Rico, Soth Dakota, the Virgin Islands, and Colorado.

FE Exam dates
Main article: EIT / FE Exam Dates
The exam is offered every month of the year. Monday to Saturday, excluding holiday
You can book an exam date anytime a seat is available at your testing centre. Some testing centres have limited seats and can book out many weeks. Some testing centres are open 24 hours a day.
You’ll have one exam attempt for each testing window (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec), with no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

Next Steps
FE Exam Passing Score (2025 Update)
Read on for a simplified explanation of the NCEES scoring process and the updated passing score for FE Exam 2025.